Business News
Landlords warned over HMRC limited company rules
Widespread confusion regarding criteria prompts warning.Major package of reforms to support SMEs
£60 million of new investment for apprenticeships.HMRC’s reversal of helpline reduction plan
Plan announced and then rapidly reversed due to criticism.Here’s what’s going up on ‘National Price Hike Day’
Council tax, water bills, broadband and train prices are all increasing.HMRC introduces digital authentication system
Digital doorway introduced for new individual taxpayers.Chancellor hopes to keep triple lock for pensions
Lock guarantees pensions rise by highest average earnings growth.April redundancy rule changes
Certain employees will have special redundancy protections.HMRC reverses helpline changes
Criticism prompts a U-turn in under 24 hours.HMRC reduces helpline services
Self-assessment helpline permanently closed for half the year.PM announces SME reform package
Initiative supported by £60 million.