Business News
Weak consumer spending hurts private sector
Spending slump hits business confidence and growth.House prices rise for sixth straight month
February growth continues despite economic uncertainty.Landlords to receive MTD letters
Landlords and sole traders to receive letters from April.8% of savers oppose tax-free cash ISAs changes
Survey finds strong resistance to reducing ISA savings allowance.83% of EV owners unaware of new road tax bill
Tax changes could cost drivers up to £600.Self assessment tax hits record £4.4bn rise for HMRC
HMRC collects £23bn more in taxes this tax year.Late payment interest charges hit record £409.4m
Taxpayers face higher costs as HMRC rates rise.HMRC call wait time down to 19 minutes
Webchat usage rises as phone calls decline.Employers curb hiring amid rising employment costs
Rising NICs dampen business confidence and expansion plans.8 in 10 businesses want AI growth
AI investment takes priority, but skills gaps remain.